Debate in Depth Part 2: Beer and Wine in Gas Stations

BeerWineDebatebrdrIn continuing to examine the debate from last week, I next want to share the discussion regarding the sale of beer and wine at gas stations. To recap my position, I was relentless in the fight to overturn the issuance of beer and wine licenses to local gas stations. If I hadn’t aggressively alerted residents to the fact that this had happened, most community members wouldn’t have known until the product was available in stores.

Instead I refused to take “NO” for an answer. I made residents aware, garnered support, lobbied department heads for comment and was successful in reversing the decision. In the meantime, the Mobil on Montvale Avenue took action against Stoneham. They have since withdrawn, but have indicated they will approach the Stoneham Board of Selectmen again for consideration.

When watching both answers, I ask you to carefully evaluate the messages. I also want to add that I support and respect all small businesses who choose to be a part of the Stoneham community. Whether a franchisee of a major corporation like Mobil or McDonald’s, or a “mom and pop” shop, all businesses are independently owned and should be appreciated.

Here is the video of the debate question and my answer:


Here is my opponent’s answer at minute marker 1:38:

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